Sunday, May 6, 2018

April 29th to May 5th 2018

"Life is passing rapidly.
Fiercely commit to every moment
you find beautiful and remember it.
Record it.  Fully, whole-heartedly
inhabit it.  Awareness is one of the
greatest things you can possess in this
life as it is as important as the 
very air we breathe and
water we drink to stay alive."
                                            -Victoria Erickson

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Sunday, April 22, 2018

April 15 thru April 21st, 2018



The Fine Art of Overcoming Lifes Challenges
by Dad Boice

Looking back on our pioneer heritage and the struggles they went through did you ever wonder how they could sing “All is well”.  Do you wonder how, as we face todays problems and concerns,  we can sing “All is well”?

When we are seeking answers to complex questions here are some ways to get answers.  We may not, probably will not, receive a personal visit from the Lord, but the answers do come—from prayer, the scriptures, the words of the prophet, the still, small voice of inspiration.  

May we never be indifferent to the suffering of others.  May we be sensitive to those about us who are hurting for whatever reason.  Adversity comes to all of us but so does life everlasting.  

When I was your age I thought it would be fun to run the Pikes Peak Marathon.  It started at 6,800 ft and goes to 14,100 ft.  The accent is the equivalent of a full marathon.  On one day you can do the accent AND if you are not very smart on the next day, you can go up and down – taking 5:20 of no rest just running!  Talk about a challenge - well to make a long story shorter here is what I learned:
  • ·      Pray for help (after putting in the work) and the Lord will help you
  • ·      Run and listen to your heart and not your body.  It is incredible what the body can do when you feel like you are all worn out. 

I think this life is much the same. When we get to the point that we can’t go any further, we need to pray and dig in a little deeper.  We can’t listen to others telling us to quit - it is not worth it.  
  1. Drop your head 
  2. Dig in  
  3. Work harder  
God bless each of you in your daily quest to live great lives and keep the commandments.


Life in the “Burg” is same ol’, same ol’, however, my motto is “same ol’”is way better than the alternative / chaos! Just like everyone else, our spring has been anything but mild, warm and calm – we’ve had blizzards, hail, wind, wind, wind and tons of rain.  Actually, at the beginning of the week I was to pick up a canvas-wrap from the lab but couldn’t because the wind was so strong – so had to wait a day to pick it up!

Yes, I sold my first piece for this year to a neighbor who is an interior decorator, has a huge home and needed something for her “very large” wall space!  She ordered a 3 ft x 4 ft canvas wrap of this image:

It came out really good and she loved it!  So, it was a win/win!  I have done “zero” landscape photography this year so far – kind of missing it but have been pretty busy to even spur my interest.  Now that spring is here, that might change!

Dad and I headed to Idaho Falls for a little food shopping!  By the time we got past Rigby the traffic abruptly stopped – looking in the rear view mirror a truck and camper was not slowing down and barely missed us and almost ran off the road into the ditch!  It was CLOSE.  We sat there for a while waiting for the traffic to move but it did not.  We went through the medium (super-illegal) and headed back in the opposite direction.  The traffic was backed up for miles.  We got off the freeway and drove west to Lewisville highway to Idaho Falls.  We found out there was a police confrontation in Ucon with a guy holding up in a house (just off the freeway) so the highway patrol CLOSED the freeway and redirected traffic.  The guy ended up killing himself.  That incident affected thousands of motorists!  Drama / very unusual for Idaho / common for Utah!

We made plenty of visits to Grandma and this entire week she’s done amazingly well after a month of struggles. When I see her like this, I think . . . she COULD live to 100 but then I snap back to reality when I have to push her back to her room after sitting in church because she doesn’t have enough energy to make it!  Sunday, when we got back to her room (after church) she turned to me and asked, “Where have we been?”  Eeeeek!

This weekend Shawn had some R&R time with his friends and Kandee had meetings at Lava Hot Springs SO, Aspen spent the weekend with us!  She is so much fun, growing like crazy and a real “snuggle-bug”!  Heather and Cooper came down and we headed to “Gravity Factory” for a few hours, then to Pizza Pie Café to “refuel”!  FUN weekend!  Thanks Aspen, Coop and Heather!   

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Saturday, April 14, 2018

April 8th thru April 14th, 2018

SPECIAL NOTE:  Get comfortable, this is a long post!

How was your week?  Ours?  When you live in the "frozen north-country" as we do, you go with the flow - even if it's a blizzard in April - you think . . . "water in the summer" . . . 

Things are about the same around here - we did have some excitement this week . . . the street sweeper came by and cleaned "both" sides of the street 😲 - can you believe that?  Okay, truthfully, Rexburg really isn't that exciting most of the time!  Things haven't changed that much since last week.  There was an interesting occurrence that caught national attention - it happened in Idaho Falls.  50-60 geese migrating fell from the sky 'deader-than-a-door-nail' - the local news station caught it on camera!  Remember the picture I shared last week of the tornado warning - well, it happened that day!  Fish and Game are investigating but think lightening could have been responsible for stopping their hearts!?  Read the story HERE!  

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Sunday, April 8, 2018

April 1st thru 8th, 2018 / EASTER Update

My Famiy Chronicles / April 1st - 8th, 2018

Hey Family . . .

Jesus Christ visiting the Americas after His resurrection. You can read more about his visit in the Book of Mormon.

Easter is behind us – what a FUN experience it was to have FAMILY come to visit!  This year, we were excited to have Tyler, Monica and Van visit for three days and with their arrival – WIND, lots and lots of WIND!  You know, there seems to be some correlation between them visiting and the WIND showing up!!!  Van has grown so much and full of life and 1 ½ year-old-antics!!!  This house hasn’t seen that much activity in awhile except when Carter comes flying through the door!  We had fun visiting “Taco Time”- everyone coming to town has to go there, right and visiting Grandma at Homestead where we found out Grandma Alice actually did remember them especially when Tyler went to “smash” Grandma’s hairdo!  She SURE ENJOYED their visit.  For those of you in the family that remember “Mrs. Jensen” (Pam Jensen’s mother) at the Jr. High office – she was living at Homestead (same place as Gma – just down the hall) – she passed away Sunday after her surgery went “south”!  She was a sweet lady and only 78 years old – almost 20 years younger than Grandma!

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Just A Thought

11 Things You Need to Say 
Before It's Too LATE!

  1. I LOVE you
  2. Do you NEED something
  3. I CAN do this
  4. You INSPIRE me
  5. My life is GOOD
  6. I TRUST you
  7. How can I HELP you
  8. I'm SORRY
  10. I FORGIVE you
  11. Thank you